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Shakespeare: Elizabethan England

Suggested Books

822.3 is the number for Shakespeare.  Many of the LITCRIT 822.3 and REF 822.3 books have sections on the Elizabethan World .

Destiny Discover

Suggested keywords:
* search costume for fashion topics
* search Elizabethan or Renaissance for a variety of Elizabethan world topics, including everyday life etc.
* search Globe and Shakespeare

Gale Powersearch

PowerSearch searches the following: all Gale Databases/eBooks in ResearchIT CT and the NHS Catalog.
Search Tip:
Enter topic directly in search box. From results list, select BOOKS from the left menu for best results.

Biography in Context Widget

* World History in Context Widget

Gale/Research in Context

Advanced Search Tip for Elizabethan topics:

In Gale/Research in Context
* Select “advanced search”

* In the first box, enter Elizabethan as the keyword.
* In the next box, select publication title and enter Exploring Shakespeare
* Scroll through results for your topic.

* WorldBook Student

WorldBook Student is an online encyclopedia with generally short articles on many topics. The "Elizabethan Age" article provides a nice overview/summer of the time period.

Elizabethan/Shakespeare eBook Suggestions

Google Search / Website Evaluation

Use keywords from your topic to search:
Ex. Elizabethan language
“Elizabethan England” and religion

Evaluate your selection before using:

1. Authority?

  • An individual? An organization? An educational institution?
  • What education or experience makes them an expert?

2. Objectivity?

  • What is the purpose of the site?
  • Basic information? Persuasion? Selling something?
  • What is the motive? Beware of bias (especially from .orgs)

3. Currency?

  • When was the site created? Last updated?
  • Is this current enough for my research?
  • Do the links work?

4. Content Quality?

  • Where does the information come from?
  • Does the author credit sources or give references?
    • References are different than links to “additional information”!
Google Web Search